Source code for mattermostdriver.driver

import asyncio
import logging
import warnings

from .client import Client
from .websocket import Websocket
from .endpoints.brand import Brand
from .endpoints.channels import Channels
from .endpoints.cluster import Cluster
from .endpoints.commands import Commands
from .endpoints.compliance import Compliance
from .endpoints.files import Files
from .endpoints.ldap import LDAP
from .endpoints.oauth import OAuth
from .endpoints.posts import Posts
from .endpoints.preferences import Preferences
from .endpoints.reactions import Reactions
from .endpoints.saml import SAML
from .endpoints.system import System
from .endpoints.teams import Teams
from .endpoints.users import Users
from .endpoints.webhooks import Webhooks
from .endpoints.elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from .endpoints.emoji import Emoji
from .endpoints.data_retention import DataRetention
from .endpoints.roles import Roles
from .endpoints.status import Status
from .endpoints.bots import Bots
from .endpoints.opengraph import Opengraph
from .endpoints.integration_actions import IntegrationActions

log = logging.getLogger('mattermostdriver.api')

[docs]class Driver: """ Contains the client, api and provides you with functions for login, logout and initializing a websocket connection. """ default_options = { 'scheme': 'https', 'url': 'localhost', 'port': 8065, 'basepath': '/api/v4', 'verify': True, 'timeout': 30, 'request_timeout': None, 'login_id': None, 'password': None, 'token': None, 'mfa_token': None, 'auth': None, 'keepalive': False, 'keepalive_delay': 5, 'websocket_kw_args': None, 'debug': False } """ Required options - url Either - login_id - password Or - token ( Optional - scheme ('https') - port (8065) - verify (True) - timeout (30) - request_timeout (None) - mfa_token (None) - auth (None) - debug (False) Should not be changed - basepath ('/api/v4') - unlikely this would do any good """ def __init__(self, options=None, client_cls=Client): """ :param options: A dict with the values from `default_options` :type options: dict """ if options is None: options = self.default_options self.options = self.default_options.copy() self.options.update(options) self.driver = self.options if self.options['debug']: log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) log.warning('Careful!!\nSetting debug to True, will reveal your password in the log output if you do driver.login()!\nThis is NOT for production!') # pylint: disable=line-too-long self.client = client_cls(self.options) self._api = { 'users': Users(self.client), 'teams': Teams(self.client), 'channels': Channels(self.client), 'posts': Posts(self.client), 'files': Files(self.client), 'preferences': Preferences(self.client), 'status': Status(self.client), 'emoji': Emoji(self.client), 'reactions': Reactions(self.client), 'system': System(self.client), 'webhooks': Webhooks(self.client), 'commands': Commands(self.client), 'compliance': Compliance(self.client), 'cluster': Cluster(self.client), 'brand': Brand(self.client), 'oauth': OAuth(self.client), 'roles': Roles(self.client), 'saml': SAML(self.client), 'ldap': LDAP(self.client), 'elasticsearch': Elasticsearch(self.client), 'data_retention': DataRetention(self.client), 'bots': Bots(self.client), 'opengraph': Opengraph(self.client), 'integration_actions': IntegrationActions(self.client), } self.websocket = None
[docs] def init_websocket(self, event_handler, websocket_cls=Websocket): """ Will initialize the websocket connection to the mattermost server. This should be run after login(), because the websocket needs to make an authentification. See for which websocket events mattermost sends. Example of a really simple event_handler function .. code:: python async def my_event_handler(message): print(message) :param event_handler: The function to handle the websocket events. Takes one argument. :type event_handler: Function(message) :return: The event loop """ self.websocket = websocket_cls(self.options, self.client.token) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(self.websocket.connect(event_handler)) return loop
[docs] def disconnect(self): """Disconnects the driver from the server, stopping the websocket event loop.""" self.websocket.disconnect()
[docs] def login(self): """ Logs the user in. The log in information is saved in the client - userid - username - cookies :return: The raw response from the request """ if self.options['token']: self.client.token = self.options['token'] result = self.users.get_user('me') else: response = self.users.login_user({ 'login_id': self.options['login_id'], 'password': self.options['password'], 'token': self.options['mfa_token'] }) if response.status_code == 200: self.client.token = response.headers['Token'] self.client.cookies = response.cookies try: result = response.json() except ValueError: log.debug('Could not convert response to json, returning raw response') result = response log.debug(result) if 'id' in result: self.client.userid = result['id'] if 'username' in result: self.client.username = result['username'] return result
[docs] def logout(self): """ Log the user out. :return: The JSON response from the server """ result = self.users.logout_user() self.client.token = '' self.client.userid = '' self.client.username = '' self.client.cookies = None return result
@property def api(self): """ .. deprecated:: 4.0.2 Use the endpoints directly instead. :return: dictionary containing the endpoints :rtype: dict """ warnings.warn('Deprecated for 5.0.0. Use the endpoints directly instead.', DeprecationWarning) return self._api @property def users(self): """ Api endpoint for users :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.users.Users` """ return Users(self.client) @property def teams(self): """ Api endpoint for teams :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.teams.Teams` """ return Teams(self.client) @property def channels(self): """ Api endpoint for channels :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.channels.Channels` """ return Channels(self.client) @property def posts(self): """ Api endpoint for posts :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.posts.Posts` """ return Posts(self.client) @property def files(self): """ Api endpoint for files :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.files.Files` """ return Files(self.client) @property def preferences(self): """ Api endpoint for preferences :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.preferences.Preferences` """ return Preferences(self.client) @property def emoji(self): """ Api endpoint for emoji :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.emoji.Emoji` """ return Emoji(self.client) @property def reactions(self): """ Api endpoint for posts' reactions :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.reactions.Reactions` """ return Reactions(self.client) @property def system(self): """ Api endpoint for system :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.system.System` """ return System(self.client) @property def webhooks(self): """ Api endpoint for webhooks :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.webhooks.Webhooks` """ return Webhooks(self.client) @property def compliance(self): """ Api endpoint for compliance :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.compliance.Compliance` """ return Compliance(self.client) @property def cluster(self): """ Api endpoint for cluster :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.cluster.Cluster` """ return Cluster(self.client) @property def brand(self): """ Api endpoint for brand :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.brand.Brand` """ return Brand(self.client) @property def oauth(self): """ Api endpoint for oauth :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.oauth.OAuth` """ return OAuth(self.client) @property def saml(self): """ Api endpoint for saml :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.saml.SAML` """ return SAML(self.client) @property def ldap(self): """ Api endpoint for ldap :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.ldap.LDAP` """ return LDAP(self.client) @property def elasticsearch(self): """ Api endpoint for elasticsearch :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.elasticsearch.Elasticsearch` """ return Elasticsearch(self.client) @property def data_retention(self): """ Api endpoint for data_retention :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.data_retention.DataRetention` """ return DataRetention(self.client) @property def status(self): """ Api endpoint for status :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.status.Status` """ return Status(self.client) @property def commands(self): """ Api endpoint for commands :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.commands.Commands` """ return Commands(self.client) @property def roles(self): """ Api endpoint for roles :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.roles.Roles` """ return Roles(self.client) @property def opengraph(self): """ Api endpoint for opengraph :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.opengraph.Opengraph` """ return Opengraph(self.client) @property def integration_actions(self): """ Api endpoint for integration actions :return: Instance of :class:`~endpoints.integration_actions.IntegrationActions` """ return IntegrationActions(self.client)