Source code for mattermostdriver.endpoints.channels

import logging
from .base import Base
from .teams import Teams
from .users import Users

log = logging.getLogger('mattermostdriver.api.channels')

[docs]class Channels(Base): endpoint = '/channels'
[docs] def create_channel(self, options): return self.endpoint, options=options )
[docs] def create_direct_message_channel(self, options): return self.endpoint + '/direct', options=options )
[docs] def create_group_message_channel(self, options): return self.endpoint + '/group', options=options )
[docs] def get_list_of_channels_by_ids(self, team_id, options=None): return Teams.endpoint + '/' + team_id + '/channels/ids', options=options )
[docs] def get_channel(self, channel_id): return self.client.get( self.endpoint + '/' + channel_id )
[docs] def update_channel(self, channel_id, options): return self.client.put( self.endpoint + '/' + channel_id, options=options )
[docs] def delete_channel(self, channel_id): return self.client.delete( self.endpoint + '/' + channel_id )
[docs] def patch_channel(self, channel_id, options): return self.client.put( self.endpoint + '/' + channel_id + '/patch', options=options )
[docs] def restore_channel(self, channel_id): return self.endpoint + '/' + channel_id + '/restore', )
[docs] def get_channel_statistics(self, channel_id): return self.client.get( self.endpoint + '/' + channel_id + '/stats', )
[docs] def get_channel_pinned_posts(self, channel_id): return self.client.get( self.endpoint + '/' + channel_id + '/pinned' )
[docs] def get_channel_by_name(self, team_id, channel_name): return self.client.get( Teams.endpoint + '/' + team_id + '/channels/name/' + channel_name )
[docs] def get_channel_by_name_and_team_name(self, team_name, channel_name): return self.client.get( Teams.endpoint + '/name/' + team_name + '/channels/name/' + channel_name )
[docs] def get_channel_members(self, channel_id, params=None): return self.client.get( self.endpoint + '/' + channel_id + '/members', params=params )
[docs] def add_user(self, channel_id, options=None): return self.endpoint + '/' + channel_id + '/members', options=options )
[docs] def get_channel_members_by_ids(self, channel_id, options=None): return self.endpoint + '/' + channel_id + '/members/ids', options=options )
[docs] def get_channel_member(self, channel_id, user_id): return self.client.get( self.endpoint + '/' + channel_id + '/members/' + user_id )
[docs] def remove_channel_member(self, channel_id, user_id): return self.client.delete( self.endpoint + '/' + channel_id + '/members/' + user_id )
[docs] def update_channel_roles(self, channel_id, user_id, options): return self.client.put( self.endpoint + '/' + channel_id + '/members/' + user_id + '/roles', options=options )
[docs] def update_channel_notifications(self, channel_id, user_id, options=None): return self.client.put( self.endpoint + '/' + channel_id + '/members/' + user_id + '/notify_props', options=options )
[docs] def view_channel(self, user_id, options): return self.endpoint + '/members/' + user_id + '/view', options=options )
[docs] def get_channel_members_for_user(self, user_id, team_id): return self.client.get( Users.endpoint + '/' + user_id + '/teams/' + team_id + '/channels/members' )
[docs] def get_channels_for_user(self, user_id, team_id): return self.client.get( Users.endpoint + '/' + user_id + '/teams/' + team_id + '/channels' )
[docs] def get_channel_for_user(self, user_id, team_id): log.warning( 'Call to deprecated function get_channel_for_user, ' 'which will be removed in the next major version.' 'Use get_channels_for_user instead.' ) return self.get_channels_for_user(user_id, team_id)
[docs] def get_unread_messages(self, user_id, channel_id): return self.client.get( Users.endpoint + '/' + user_id + '/channels/' + channel_id + '/unread' )
[docs] def get_public_channels(self, team_id, params=None): return self.client.get( '/teams/' + team_id + '/channels', params=params )
[docs] def get_deleted_channels(self, team_id, params=None): return self.client.get( '/teams/' + team_id + '/channels/deleted', params=params )
[docs] def search_channels(self, team_id, options=None): return '/teams/' + team_id + '/channels/search', options=options )
[docs] def autocomplete_channels(self, team_id, params=None): return self.client.get( '/teams/' + team_id + '/channels/autocomplete', params=params )
[docs] def update_scheme_derived_roles_of_channel_member(self, channel_id, user_id, options=None): return self.client.put( self.endpoint + '/' + channel_id + '/members/' + user_id + '/schemeRoles', options=options )
[docs] def set_channel_scheme(self, channel_id): return self.client.put( self.endpoint + '/' + channel_id + '/scheme' )
[docs] def convert_channel(self, channel_id): return self.endpoint + '/' + channel_id + '/convert' )